It is difficult not to take advantage of the fact that whatever you require may be delivered within a few hours to a few days. Fast delivery policies are great for emergency situations, but occasionally customers don't need their purchases right away. If you have Amazon Prime and are prepared to wait a couple of days longer, you will be rewarded with a delivery option called "No-rush Delivery".
What is Amazon No-rush Delivery?
You will get an instant discount or a special reward for any purchase if you choose No-Rush Shipping. At checkout, an instant discount is given to your purchase, and once the item arrives, a special reward is promptly credited to your account.
Only the type of product specified in the promotion at checkout is eligible for the discount or special reward. If you cancel or adjust the shipment speed on your No-Rush Shipping purchase, you will not be qualified for the discount or reward.
How to be eligible for Amazon No-rush Delivery?
If a user is an Amazon Prime member and does not choose "Pay on Delivery'' as a payment option, they will be qualified for No-rush Delivery. Your Amazon Pay balance is still valid until the date specified in the verification email issued to you when your products are shipped using No-rush Delivery. Purchases made using No-rush Delivery will be shipped 2-4 working days after they depart.
How to use Amazon No-rush Delivery?
To utilize No-rush Delivery, you must first add a qualifying Amazon Prime item to the shopping cart. When you are finished purchasing, select the "Proceed to Checkout" option and choose No-rush Delivery at the checkout. You must utilize a prepaid payment method and then finish payment to be eligible for No-rush Delivery.
Amazon No-rush Delivery is a very beneficial program for those who have time to wait for their item to ship for days instead of urgently needing it as soon as possible. You might consider taking advantage of this program to get rewards if you can wait longer for your item.